Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The Coop is coming along...

My Darling Hubby has been working very hard to get the coop ready for our micro-flock that is in brooders in what used to be the dining room.  Below is 3 brooders housing the micro-flock.

Half of the exterior perimeter is up and primed.  What started as an image in my mind is taking shape and I am excited, even though I can not help as much as I would like to due to the messed up foot.

There is still much to be done but it is starting to look like a coop.  I have been researching and reading as much as I can get my hands on, learning what others have tried and what has failed. Pulling what I learned as a child and seeing if there is a new updated way.

This is just the start of a bigger plan of raising and growing organic food for my family and friends, maybe sell extras at a local Farmer's Market.
Learned not to take DH to feed store with new chicks, he started picking out this one and that one. I was like, whoa..whoa..whoa.. we already have a rooster we don't need another to have eggs. Finally got him to narrow is picks to a leghorn variety, dominecker and a crested polish.  I told him I have more on order but he wanted these, can't take him anywhere.

Until next time...

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