Wednesday, December 29, 2010

My day at Pure Luck Farm and Dairy

In order to do this post justice, I must start at the beginning...

A few weeks ago I decided that the 7 roosters that I had in my micro-flock had to go. It was not my intention at all to have so many extra roosters, but it seems sexing chicks is not 100% accurate. What was I going to do with the 6 extra roosters, I decided to keep the Silkie Bantam Rooster, he sounds like a toy when he crows and is just too cute.

I emailed Ben at Pure Luck Farm and Diary, someone I met on Backyard Chickens and asked if he wanted my extra roosters for his family. I knew he had no issues with processing chickens and since I raised them, I did not want to do the dirty deed myself. It is not that I haven't done it before, I helped my dad process chickens, rabbits, deer, and bear all the time as a kid in Northern California but there was just something different about this, hard to explain I guess.

The day was set for me to deliver the goods to Ben and in return get a tour of Pure Luck Farm and Dairy where it is the home to 100 Nubian and Alpine goats, a Great Pyrenees named Lucy and five acres of certified organic land on Barton Creek in Dripping Springs, Texas. His family specializes in handmade artisan goat cheese and certified organic culinary herbs that you can find at local stores and restaurants around Austin, TX.  Please check out there website above, they have an amazing history.

I was so excited to see this amazing place, especially the goats. Once the roosters had settled in, the tour began. First stop the five acres of certified organic culinary herbs, row after neat row as far as I could see and the smell was just divine; Ben told me all that was growing, but the smell of dill lingers in my mind. Next across the road to the goats (my favorite part), along the way we were greeted by Lucy "Protector of the Goats", you could see by the trails along the perimeter of the fence she takes her job very seriously.  We continued to walk a little further until we came into a clearing and there relaxing in the shade were about 30 (others were in back field) of the most gorgeous creatures I have ever seen; a mix of Nubian with floppy ears and Alpine the only breed with upright ears. The group was alert to new visitors but curious of our presence, you could tell they were trusting of humans, welcomed our scratches and rubbing of the bellies.  I was in heaven and could have just sat right there all day, just observing those marvelous creatures.  At this point I am kicking myself for not bringing my camera, idiot!  All of the goats are due to have kids in February and most according to Ben have twins, sometimes triplets. Next we stopped by to see "The Man" of the group, then on to the milking barn where all the fun happens. 

It was so much to take in, but the goats are milked, the milk is filtered and quickly cooled then moved over to be pasteurized then it is put in baskets for the whey to drain.  I highly suggest attending one of their workshops and you can get a hands on experience from goat to cheese.  I know I will be and I can't wait, because Pure Luck Basket Chevre Mixed Herb and June's Joy are very yummy.

I want to thank Ben for taking the time to show me around, it was an amazing experience and one I will not forget. Thanks again for the treats, June's Joy is fabulous.


  1. Sounds like a lot of fun! I love our goats. I'm thinking about getting a Great Pyranees, was his out with the chickens? I have free range chickens and worry about the dog eating them.

  2. Sounds like a great place to visit! I just wanted to stop by and say thank you for visiting and following my blog! I very much appreciate it.


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